Thursday, September 13, 2012

Page Inspector in ASP.NET 4.5

Page Inspector is a new tool that brings browser diagnostics tools into Visual Studio and provides an integrated experience between the browser, ASP.NET, and source code.

Page Inspector enables you to easily quickly diagnose issues

Using Page Inspector, you can see what elements in the source files (including server-side code) have produced the HTML markup that is rendered to the browser.

Page Inspector also let you modify CSS properties and DOM element attributes and see the changes reflected immediately in the browser. 

To work with Page Inspector, simply right click on the project in solution explorer and select ‘View in Page Inspector’

This would open the Startup page of the project

Select the ‘Inspect’ and move the cursor to any of the code line. You will see that when you move cursor, in other screen it would highlight the section which is generating the html markup in the browser.

You can change the data according to your ease.
As and when you change data, Page Inspector would tell you that some files have been changed and it would require refresh the browser to have the updated HTML markup in the browser as shown below

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